PORTABLE - 4518 Anuncios
Viernes 02 agosto 2024
CLEAR ACRYLIC ROSE FLOWER BOX WHOLESALE Plexiglass flower box is the perfect combination of fashion and design, elegance and innovation. Lucite flower box wholesale is from Maolin in China. Please contact us for clear acrylic rose box wholesale. Custom Clear Acrylic Flower Box Wholesale...
ningbo maolin plastic technology co.,ltd.
- 315156 - lingbo
- 0574 88043660
Viernes 26 julio 2024
The main part of the wheel tread is an inward inclination of 1: 40 . In order to make the top of the rail track under the wheel load with cone tread stressed uniformly ,decrease load offset, reduce rail web stress , avoid slit between rail head and rail web, the railway track shall...
Wuhan Linkage Track Equipment Co.,ltd
- 421000 - Xiangyang
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 23 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $1000
Equipo médico RF para eliminación de arrugas y estiramiento de la piel El sistema de RF monopolar adopta tecnología de RF unipolar. El calor generado cuando la energía de RF emitida por RF encuentra la impedancia del tejido de la piel desnaturaliza las fibras de colágeno y provoca...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Martes 23 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $1500
Eliminación de pigmentos para eliminación de tatuajes con láser Q-Switched Nd: YAG portátil El uso del lanzamiento instantáneo de láser de trituración y eliminación efectiva de alta energía de las lesiones en la organización del pigmento, la expansión rápida del grupo de pigmento...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $2000
Equipo portátil de belleza para depilación E-Light RF IPL IPL es la abreviatura de Intense Pulse Light y también se conoce como IPL para rejuvenecimiento de la piel. Es una especie de pulso fuerte de longitudes de onda de amplio espectro de luz pulsada intensa, que puede penetrar...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $3000
Máquina de belleza para depilación con láser de diodo de 808 nm HF-501D, el dispositivo láser de diodo estándar de oro de 808 nm, el láser semiconductor emite ondas de luz infrarroja cercana, que pueden penetrar profundamente en la raíz del folículo piloso, calentar y difundir el...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $2000
Nuevas llegadas 600W máquina de depilación láser de diodo portátil HF-109A El dispositivo láser de diodo portátil HF-109A adopta la longitud de onda estándar de oro de 808 nm para la depilación, combinada con un modo de eliminación de baja densidad de energía y salida de múltiples...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $3000
Equipo de depilación láser de diodo de 1200W 3 longitudes de onda 755nm+808nm+1064nm Utiliza un láser de 1200 W con un cabezal de tratamiento combinado de múltiples longitudes de onda opcional que utiliza un láser de nuevo diseño para una aplicación máxima en todo tipo de piel, mientras...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Portable Rolling Track Gauge is mainly used for railway track gauge and super-elevation (cant) . It can be used for track inspection and fine adjustment of rail gauge. This product has the advantages of fast measuring speed, stable pushing rod, easy to carry,and night-time and tunnel work...
Wuhan Linkage Track Equipment Co.,ltd
- 421000 - Xiangyang
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Sábado 20 julio 2024
Cantidad : 50 - Precio : $5000
Equipo portátil de belleza para rejuvenecimiento de la piel con láser de tulio de 1927nm Los dispositivos de láser de tulio fraccional de 1927 nm estimulan la regeneración de los vasos sanguíneos alrededor de los folículos pilosos e inhiben la secreción excesiva de las glándulas sebáceas...
- litonlaser
- 510388 - Guangzhou
- +86 15878501517
Jueves 18 julio 2024
Cantidad : 10 - Precio : 1000-1600
New High Quality Portable Ipl Permanentl Hair Removal Machine skin rejuvenation machine Model: QM-100+ <img alt="" src="data: image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgA AA2EAAANSCAYAAADs4sY8AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QA AAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAFxEAABc RAcom8z8AAP+lSURBVHhe7H0HgFXF9f4/sXcTY4n GQi...
Beijing QM Medical Co., Ltd.
- 101102 - Beijing
- 86 0371 60901328
- +8618910016670
Martes 16 julio 2024
Precio : 1 500,00 €
Pico Touch Screen Portable Professional Q switched Nd Yag Laser Professional Blackhead Cleaning Tattoo Removal Machine. Applications: - 532nm wavelength: get rid of freckles, eyebrow tattoo, failed eye line tattoo, tattoo , lips line, pigment, telangiectasia in shallow red, brown...
Beijing QM Medical Co., Ltd.
- 101102 - beijing
- 0086 18910016670
- 86 0371 60901328
Martes 16 julio 2024
Magnetic Rail Versine Measuring Kits is also called string box for railway curve measurement. It is a necessary tool for railway works construction. Curve positive vector measuring box is a regular work in rail line maintenance. In order to facilitate the work of the worker to complete this job...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
ND-1 portable tamper is a special machine for ballast tamping on railway lines and turmouts. Choose high-vibration, high-power gasoline engine as power, with high output power and stable. performance. The air compression hammer impact pick is used to impact the ballat. The impact...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
NDG-1 portable tamper is a special small track maintenance machine for tamping ballast uinder sleepers. Because of its light weight, it can be on and off the track at the same time with the operator. Therefore, the interval between trains can be used for ballast tamping. It is suitable...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
● This machine is used for powerful drilling of wooden sleepers ● Compact product design for mobility on the track ● Precise drilling with depth stop ● Adjustable engine speed ● Work safety due to centrifugal clutch Ubicación : Room 1007, Block B, Building 1, Huagong Science Park...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
The CTS -1002 is a light-weightinstrument with excellenterformance which accumulates theexperiences of 50 years for makingultrasonic instruments . Thisinstrument is EN12668-1 : 2010compliance and has anindustrial-leveled TFT display with full WVGA ( 800X480 resolution providing superior...)
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
NLB-500 railway construction rail fastener wrench is used for tightening and loosening sleeper bolts, hook-bolt nuts, etc. With two stroke petrol engine and 18kg lightweight can achieve easily vertical and horizontal wrenching tasks. Ubicación : Room 1007, Block B, Building 1, Huagong...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Martes 16 julio 2024
Portable Rolling Track Gauge is mainly used for railway track gauge and super-elevation (cant) . It can be used for track inspection and fine adjustment of rail gauge. This product has the advantages of fast measuring speed, stable pushing rod, easy to carry,and night-time and tunnel work...
- 430000 - Wuhan
- +13 4 87 15 58 18
Domingo 14 julio 2024
Cantidad : 999999 - Precio : 1500$
QM-Q1+ Applications 1) 1064nm: pour le traitement du retrait de tatouage, de la pigmentation cutanée et du traitement de certaines conditions pigmentaires telles que le névus d'ota et de Hori est le névus. (principalement pour la pigmentation noire et bleue) 2) 532nm: pour le traitement...
Beijing QM Medical Co., Ltd.
- 101102 - Beijing
- 0086 18910016670
Domingo 14 julio 2024
Cantidad : 999999 - Precio : 1600$
脱毛应用 。 淡化肌肤、 去除色素、 去除痤疮、 去除血管、 去除皱纹。 工作原理 这是一种革命性的方法,而不是用大量的破坏性能量轰炸您的皮肤。SHR 会发射多次射击,但焦耳数较低,这样做会温和地将毛囊加热到必要的热量,您最多能感受 到的是温暖和刺痛感,一些顾客将其与热按摩相比较。SHR 还使用运动中技术,其中手柄始终在皮肤上方运动。 QM-100+的特色 **智能紧凑的金属设计,它可以分成两部分,解决了一些国家的海关问题。,并降低售后 服务的复杂性。 技术规格 文章: 首页 » 强脉冲光 心率表: 模型 QM-100+ QM-100+ IPL峰值功率 1400升...
Beijing QM Medical Co., Ltd.
- 101102 - Beijing
- 0086 18910016670
Domingo 14 julio 2024
Portable 808nm diode laser épilation machine/QM-808 Applications Pour tous les poils indésirables sur les zones du visage, des bras, des aisselles, de la poitrine, du dos, du bikini, des jambes et etc. (y compris poils légers, blonds et fins) Principe de fonctionnement La technologie...
Beijing QM Medical Co., Ltd.
- 101102 - Beijing
- 0086 18910016670
Domingo 07 julio 2024
The cordless core drill embodies precision and safety in mechanical tasks with its innovative features. Equipped with a spindle lock and brake cover on the drill clamp, the cordless impact drill ensures secure operation. The unvariable speed switch allows for smooth speed regulation...
- 311608 - zhejiang
- 0579 87712256
Domingo 07 julio 2024
The cordless brushless impact wrench revolutionizes the way mechanical tasks are approached by providing a versatile and portable solution. Powered by rechargeable batteries, the cordless power wrench eliminates the constraints of cords, offering freedom of movement and access to...
- 311608 - zhejiang
- 0579 87712256
Miércoles 03 julio 2024
China Genset Generator Set Suppliers Co., Ltd.,stands at the forefront of the industry, offering a diverse range of high-quality generator solutions tailored to diverse needs. Our specialization lies in generator sets featuring renowned engines and alternators, ensuring unparalleled...
China Genset Generator Manufacturers Co., Ltd.
- 361000 - Xiamen
- 05925819200
Jueves 13 junio 2024
Cantidad : 1 - Precio : 267,00 €
La estación de carga compartida de escritorio es una solución de carga innovadora diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios que desean cargar convenientemente sus dispositivos móviles en lugares públicos o semipúblicos como cafeterías, restaurantes, bibliotecas, hoteles y oficinas...
Cheyoll Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
- 518000 - Shenzhen
- +86 17671888826
Jueves 13 junio 2024
Diode laser hair removal machine is a long lasting form of hair removal that damages or destroys the hair follicle. It is not necessarily permanent. However, the hair may regrow, particularly if the follicle is damaged and not destroyed during the laser hair removal procedure. For this reason...
Bestview Laser S&T Co.,Ltd
- 450003 - Zhengzhou
- 0086 19503862093
- 0086 19503817280
Viernes 07 junio 2024
Cantidad : 1-1000 - Precio : 100000-10000000
Newstyle® portable hplc system is developed by Hanbon Sci&Tech for laboratory analysis, small-scale and pilot scale up. The infusion pump head and liquid circuit contact materials can be selected from SS316L, titanium alloy, PEEK etc., which are suitable for the special requirements...
Jiangsu Hanbon Science&Technology Co., LTD
- 223005 - Jiangsu
- 86 0517 83706900
Miércoles 05 junio 2024
Portable Tattoo Removal Machine The portable ND YAG laser tattoo removal is the most commonly used device for tattoo removal. The adjustment of treatment parameters allows the user to customize the treatment to the individual patient's condition and skin type to maximize results...
Beijing Nubway S&T Co., Ltd.
- 101300 - beijing
- 0086 10 60418533
Miércoles 05 junio 2024
Microneedle RF Fractional Portable As we age, collagen will be gradually lost. When women are 20 years old, collagen has already begun to age and lose, and it has been declining year by year. At the age of 25, it has reached the peak of loss. At the age of 40, the collagen is less...
Beijing Nubway S&T Co., Ltd.
- 101300 - beijing
- 0086 10 60418533