Tienda de VELIMIR Tofo

Hello We want to be your suppliers we are from Bahrain, we are suppluiers for wedding dresses and gowns, evening dress, bride's maid dresses,party dress,prom dress,cocktail dresses, bridesmide dress, henna dress,engagement dress,casual dresses, jaket,trousers,for adults,woman and man,lingery, Ready made Garments,brand name abaya,kaftan,maroko,jalabiya, out couture dress,baby dress,children,woman and man,evening gowns, knitwears,occasional dresses, shirts, apparel, uniforms ,jeans, skirts,pullovers,fashion acssesories,scarves,wraps,caps,wedding planner wedding statge,engagement stage, traditional statge,corporative party arrengment exebitions, exebitions organizer,and fashion models organizer hall arrengment from a to z gift away, cosheen,invitation card,furniture from france and Italy
Interior design,Interior Decoration,Flower arengment,kosheen,
our contact number Offfice 00973 17180343
mob 00973 36366380 fatima and vili
skype vili.velichkov.designer
Manama Bahrain
A’adelia Villa21 Block 327
Delmon st close to HSBC Bank A’adelia

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Para contactar al responsable de esta tienda : velimir