Vendedor leifj02
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leifj02 | |
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Perfil Evaluacion : 0/5 Cantidad de evaluaciones : 0 |
Vendedor dado de alta desde el 25 abril 2011 Lugar donde se encuentra el vendedor : JINING Ver la tienda de leifj02 |
jining luyi hi-tech fibre co., ltd. ruyispandex(at) sinacom belongs to shandong ruyi science and technology group. it is shandong province hi-tech company. jining luyi hi-tech fibre co., ltd. has passed iso9001 (2000) certification & oeko-certification class i. the main product is hi-performance bare spandex yarn, 15d,20d,30d,40d,70d,105d,140d,210d,280d,420d,560d,840d,1120d,1680d,2240d,2500d,3000d,4000d,5000detc. we can product white and black spandex.