Vendedor ozkp
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ozkp | |
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Perfil Evaluacion : 3.7/5 Cantidad de evaluaciones : 0 |
Vendedor dado de alta desde el 29 junio 2011 Lugar donde se encuentra el vendedor : Omsk Ver la tienda de ozkp |
for today the company assortment totals more than 500 names: - rybo - and seafood (пресервы from various grades of fishes, salads from seafood, fish delicacies, fish of cold smoking, слабосоленая and spicy посола, and also свежемороженая production in the broadest assortment); - confectionery (zefirno-pastilnye, мармеладные, пролиновые, памадные groups, caramel, east sweets etc.); - nonalcoholic production and mineral water; - beer (strong, light, classical, a class premium) 10 grades.