Vendedor tmasales2
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Perfil Evaluacion : 3.9/5 Cantidad de evaluaciones : 0 |
Vendedor dado de alta desde el 11 marzo 2011 Lugar donde se encuentra el vendedor : maanshan,anhui Ver la tienda de tmasales2 |
hand shear rolling machine
Lunes 14 marzo 2011
* Solid machine with stainless steel bending segment for high precision. * Many different sizes of bending segment for various work pieces. *Hand shearUbicación : 704-300,Huashan Road, Huashan Zone, Maanshan, Anhui, China, 243000 maanshan,anhui, Persona a contactar : Caroline Qi,...
Anhui Xing Mao Machine Tools Co., Ltd
- tmasales2
- 243000 - maanshan,anhui
- +86 0555 2614599
- +86 15255519306
Lunes 14 marzo 2011
The equipment structure is symmetric three-roll style. The upper roller is working in the symmetric center of the two underneath rollers with vertical movement. The hydraulic transmission got from the hydraulic fluid working on the pistons makes the two underneath rollers rotating...
Anhui Xing Mao Machine Tools Co., Ltd
- tmasales2
- 243000 - maanshan,anhui
- +86 0555 2614599
- +86 15255519306